Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Digital Collection

I love Books on CD and can't imagine driving, even to the corner store, without them. I explored our library's digial collection and I see the potential. In our constantly moving world the ability to listen to books whenever and wherever you choose is just amazing. Here's an excerpt from the book I chose,

This is the spellbinding hour-by-hour reconstruction of the most destructive and powerful storm ever to strike New England.

On the night of September 20, 1938, the news on the radio was full of Hitler’s pending invasion of Czechoslovakia. Severe weather wasn’t mentioned; only light rain was forecast for the following day. In a matter of hours, however, a hurricane of unprecedented force would tear through one of the wealthiest and most populated stretches of coastline in America, obliterating communities from Long Island to Providence, destroying entire fishing fleets from Montauk to Narragansett Bay, and leaving seven hundred people dead. They never knew what hit them.

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