Saturday, June 7, 2008

O.K I found Webfeet BORING! I didn't expect to find much -if anything-about my little Cuban hometown and I didn't. But the site was just not exciting. There's much better out there.

Library is the Thing

This was really cool. It's great for people who read a lot and forget what they have read. It's also great for reminiscing about stories you read a long, long time ago. Would you still feel the same about them if you were to read them again? Would you still feel a sense of wonder or fear or passion from stories that helped shaped who you are today? Or would you wonder, who was that person who thought this was the greatest book ever written? Well, I can tell you this: she's still hidden somewhere inside of you.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Playing Around with Pictures

I loved Image Generator! It was fun playing around with the different images and adding captions to everything from a punk rocker to the cute little beaver. So many images, so little time...