Friday, May 23, 2008


Another boat sunset ;)
Originally uploaded by pmsmgomes
A sunset, calm waters and an empty boat speak to me of possibilities, travels and explorations; not necessarily physical ones (although I like those too), but of the mind and soul.
I see myself here, sitting by the ocean, bathed in the sun's dying rays planning my adventure for tomorrow...

Repeating Selected Stuff or RSS

O.K, not so bad once you get the hang of it. I found interesting things related to some of my hobbies: gardening, writing, yoga. Do I have the time to keep up with so much constant information? Only if I actually stop gardening, writing and doing yoga!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


My children might accuse me of not liking technology, but I'll have to disagree. I make full use of the Internet for information. I love e-mail. And I think computers are great for writers (maybe too great, allowing way too many mediocre novels to see the light of day.)
But I admit that there are some techno things I'm simply not interested in. For instance, I don't want to take pictures with my cell phone and I don't want to play video games. Period. End of story.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Bloggin & Libraries: A Match Made in Web Heaven

Libraries are among our country's most democratic institutions. A meeting place where people of all ages, races, creeds and economic status are afforded an equal oportunity to learn, understand and broaden their horizons. Blogs offer a similar opportunity for people to express their concerns, air their grievances and share their ideas. It's also a great forum for staff and administration to communicate with each other in a free, less intimidating environment. Blogs and libraries are a match made in Web Heaven!

Seven and 1/2 Principles

I view the seven and 1/2 principles as a valuable road map to learning. I believe the first one -begin with the end in mind- is the most difficult for me because I tend to have big ideas that just linger in my mind. The learning contract could prove to be a valuable tool in this respect.